FlyzBy for Apple iPhone finds the owners of a plane(s)

A fast single click list of plane owners given owner name....

Flash Mobile FlyzBy shows all plane owners, given minimally the last name.

Enter a name, tap "Search" button to show a list of owners. Select an owner to see the details.

Information includes owner address, type of plane, engine, certifications, registration date.


Get all the details with a single click

Tap the name to see full details about a plane or owner....

More infomation and ratings available for each plane.


FlyzBy for Apple iPhone gets plane information by Tail Number

Get plane owership with just the plane tail number more....

Flash Mobile FlyzBy allows you to enter a tail number to get a information about a plane with one click.


Ideal when you want to know who owns that plane

Tap in the tail number and your done....

Find out if a tail number is already registered, as well as all the particulars about a plane or owner.





FlyzBy for Apple iPhone gets Pilot Certifications by Name

Get all pilot certifications by pilot name more....

Flash Mobile FlyzBy allows you to enter a pilot name and get all current aviation certifications and medical registration information with one click.


Ideal when you want to know if a pilot has a certification

Tap in minimally the last name and your done....

Find out what a pilot is certified medical registation dates.




FlyzBy for Apple iPhone is another useful app from Flash Mobile

Flash Mobile, Incorporated has developed other apps like, Fallen Heros, Taxi Locator, Hospital Locator and Retirement Home Finder. All free in the App Store more....


Flash Mobile Inc. iPhone and iPad Apps on the Apple App Store.

iPhone and iPad apps found in the Apple App Store....

Click on the images to the left to see details on these apps for your iPhone and iPad, and iPad Mini.

